August Bark to School

“All the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey…”

September can hit us all with a dose of “back to reality”. If your dog has had the pleasure of your company all summer long, with lots of socialising at summer barbeques and long walks on the beach, they might also feel the effects. They may notice not only the differences in daily activities, but also their human’s mood and activity levels.

The seasons are changing, and that means shorter days, wetter weather and changes in routine. You may be sad to see the summer go, but what about your dog? How does the shift in seasons affect them? In our August webinar we will help you navigate changes in routines, whether that be kids going back to school or your walks getting shorter and darker.

But don’t be too glum, we have some great ideas to beat the September saddies, tips to help your dog settle in for a cosy Autumn, and some pointers for encountering mobs of noisy kids during the school run! Don’t sleep in, sign up now!

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June Travels with my Dog